Arts and Culture - Palembang - South Sumatra

Written By Hilmi Atiq on Sunday, July 25, 2010 | 1:07 AM

The old history of Palembang and the entry of migrants from other regions, has made this city as a multi-cultural city. Had lost its function as a major port city's population was then adopted the culture of coastal Malays, and Javanese. Even now it can be seen in its culture. One of them is language. Words such as "mace (the door)", "pawpaw (banana)", is one example. Was knighted Javanese, such as Raden Mas / Ayu. The tombs of the Islamic heritage was not different in form and coraknya with Islamic tombs in Java.

Art is located in Palembang, among others:

  • Art Dul Muluk (traditional drama performances Palembang)
  • Dances like Gending Sriwijaya held a reception to the guests, and dance that was exhibited in Tanggai wedding reception
  • Regional Songs such as "Dek Sangke, Cuk Mak Ilang" , Batanghari Sambilan and Ribang Kemambang
  • Traditional House of Palembang is Limas House and House Raft
Ornamental boat festival and competition in the River Musi bidar.

Palembang is also always held a variety of festivals every year, among others "Sriwijaya Festival" every month of June in order to commemorate Palembang Day, Bidar and Boat Festival celebrates Independence Day Ornamental, and various festivals commemorating the Hijri New Year, Month of Ramadan, and New Year's Day .

Population Of Palembang, South Sumatra - Indonesia

Palembang residents are ethnic Malays, and use language Malays who have adapted to the local dialect now known as the language of Palembang. However, migrants often use regional languages as the language of everyday life, such as language komering, Sekayu, Rawas, Musi and Lahat. Immigrants from outside the South Sumatra sometimes regional languages as well as using everyday language in family or regional community. However, to communicate with Another resident of Palembang, Palembang residents generally use the language as the language of instruction daily.

In addition to the native, in Palembang there are also residents and citizens of immigrant descent, such as from Javanese, Minangkabau, Madurese, Bugis and Banjar. Residents of offspring many live in Palembang is Tionghoa, Arabic and Indian. Palembang city has several areas that became the hallmark of a Kampung Kapitan community like that is the area of Community Al Munawwar, Kampung China, and that is an area Arab community.

Palembang is the majority religion in Islam. There were also adherents of Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

Blog, Updated at: 1:07 AM

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